Every day you can see the Sun from anywhere on Planet Earth.
The star king illuminates the planet with such intensity that it seems that it is nearby. But nothing is further from reality since the solar star is millions of kilometers away.

Do you know the exact distance between the Sun and the Earth?
How far away is the Sun?
The Sun is at an average distance of about 93,000,000 miles (150 million kilometers) from Earth.
It is so far away that light from the Sun, traveling at a speed of 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers per second), takes about 8 minutes to reach us.
Like all other planets in our solar system, Earth does not travel around the Sun in a perfect circle.
Instead, its orbit is elliptical, like a stretched circle, with the Sun slightly shifted from the center of the orbit. This means that the distance between the Earth and the Sun changes over a year.
Around January 2, the Sun is 91.4 million miles (147.1
million kilometers) from us, and around July 2, it is 94.8 million miles (152.6
million kilometers) away from us.
The astronomical unit
Throughout history, astronomers have tried to find the exact distance between the two celestial bodies and establish a measurement unit for it.
In 2012, the International Astronomical Union decided to adopt an accurate measurement and thus created the astronomical unit that precisely measures the distance between the Sun and planet Earth and is exactly 149,597,870,700 meters.
In this way, scientists can quantify distances in space, use this unit,
and facilitate their work.
The distance between both celestial bodies has been measured using modern technology that allowed it to be done precisely.
Thus they have established a unit that determined the average length. Since the Earth, when orbiting around the Sun following the Kepler model with an elliptical trajectory, there are times when it is more or less distant from the Sun.
Around January 4, the Earth is as close as possible: about 147 million kilometers from the Sun. On the other hand, it is around July 4, the most significant distance, when it increases to 152 million kilometers.
The orbit's elliptical shape means that it is not a perfect
circle, but rather is a kind of stretched process in which the Sun is not
exactly in the center.
Earth is located 0.000015 light-years from the Sun, which is about 8 light-minutes.
This means that if we could travel at the speed of light (300,000 km per second), it would take that amount of time to reach the Sun from our planet.
If we want to express it in terrestrial measurements, the Earth is about 150,000,000 km from the Sun.